Luigi x Vook

Back in the day in 1969, there once was a village named Simba Land. There were two types of people that resided there. The Luigi's and the Vook's. The Vooks were the females, but there was a disease that came through Simba land and that disease was The Miketestosterone136 and so mostly every vookvook grew a penis because of this and they were either fucked to death by the gay Luigi's or were turned into skeletons and were cursed to pop out at people forever. That is until one Vookvook was left and her name was Vookvook.
Unlike most Luigi's in Simba Land, the one particular one that fell in love with Vookvook was a pimpin plummer vampire.
They fell in love and that was only the beginning.
Luigi was a strong pimpin plummer vampire and any bitches that came in his way he would suck the blood from their tits and vookvook would get jealous of all the bitches that Luigi would get, but since there were only Luigi's in Simba Land he had to suck the pancake tits of fat men.
Vookvook decided that enough was enough and wanted to make Luigi hers, so she ordered a room at the local motel and fucked until their juices wouldn't squirt anymore and they made a legend. That baby that came out vookvook's ass was no other then Micheal Jackson.
The fucking End.